


A basic check for spelling, grammar and sense in an existing document. This service usually takes less time than a copyedit and focuses more on the details than the larger picture. A brand/style guide can be followed if required. Obvious issues in things like layout, formatting, tone or consistency will be picked up if they impact readability. 

Proof review


A like-for-like comparison of multiple documents, either to ensure that specific changes have been made or that text remains exactly the same across different layouts. This is a very detail-orientated service and only obvious issues like spelling errors will be picked up outside the areas of focus.



Amending a document from UK English to US English and vice versa. This can be useful depending on the audience of the document. This service will focus solely on these specific language changes unless combined with another service such as a proofread. Only very obvious issues will be picked up otherwise. If there are any specific preferences to adhere to, these can be accommodated.



Checking existing film subtitles against a video. These can be marked up either via a Word document or on the video itself, such as on Subtitles will be compared to the video to accurately depict what is said, as well as for any spelling and grammar errors. If there is any text in the video itself, this will also be checked and any issues noted for your attention. If you require a subtitle document to be created from scratch, please find more details under Copywriting.