


An in-depth review of a document. This includes spelling, grammar and sense as well as layout, formatting, tone and consistency. A brand/style guide can be followed if required. A copyedit will take longer to complete than a proofread. The level of feedback for a copyedit can also be more flexible to your needs, including suggestions and comments on things like specific wording, or if you are looking for advice on a particular aspect, such as setting or point of view.

Project editing


This service focuses on consistency not only within an individual document, but over the span of a whole project. For example, if you have a PowerPoint presentation that's linked with a subtitled video that will also be shared on a blog post, or if you have a series of short stories that share a common theme that requires precise repetition of certain characters or phrases. If a brand/style guide is not provided, a simple one can be created as a reference point. Depending on the timeline of your project, this service can be longer term, booking elements in advance separately, or it can be a final check through when all elements are ready. 



While most layout issues will be picked up during a copyedit, a specific layout check focuses only on this aspect of a document. This service can be combined with other services and includes things such as spacing, images, orphan words, odd line/page breaks, consistency across slides (if PowerPoint), alignment etc.